Child Development
Child Development
In a rural setup, a child is usually neglected and left to be tended by the older folk at home, or the neighbours, when the parents, who are labourers, go out to find work. Some of the children even work as child labourers. Here, we encourage children to attend school and we talk and counsel the parents, at least to give tuition to them in the evening time.
Summer or Children's camps
This is a 5-day camp from 9.30 am to 4 pm. These camps are conducted to inculcate manners in children to respect one another, teaching them to follow hygienic practices. We also teach them to identify their talents through a talent hunt contest and encourage them to exhibit their creativity.
Pre -Tuition for Primary Sectioni
Children are encouraged to complete their homework given by the school and tutored to understand their subjects well, which enable the children to have zero dropout rates in school.
Graduation Program
School dropouts and children who have had no prior education and are interested in pursuing further studies, we encourage such children, girls especially to do a course for graduation from B .R. Ambedkar University.