Child Development

Child Development

In a rural setup, a child is usually neglected and left to be tended by the older folk at home, or the neighbours, when the parents, who are labourers, go out to find work. Some of the children even work as child labourers. Here, we encourage children to attend school and we talk and counsel the parents, at least to give tuition to them in the evening time. 

Summer or Children's camps

This is a 5-day camp from 9.30 am to 4 pm. These camps are conducted to inculcate manners in children to respect one another, teaching them to follow hygienic practices. We also teach them to identify their talents through a talent hunt contest and encourage them to exhibit their creativity.

Pre -Tuition for Primary Sectioni

Children are encouraged to complete their homework given by the school and tutored to understand their subjects well, which enable the children to have zero dropout rates in school.

Graduation Program

School dropouts and children who have had no prior education and are interested in pursuing further studies, we encourage such children, girls especially to do a course for graduation from B .R. Ambedkar University.

Women Empowerment

The village women are to a great extent uneducated and suppressed by the male folk with no opportunities to exercise their independence. However, in recent years, the women are encouraged to learn sewing, tailoring, and rewritery, macrony and other handicrafts to enable them to work at home and become a little more independent. 


We conduct a six-month course for the young girls and married women of the villages surrounding Karuna Kendra. They are taught how to sew their own clothes and make different kinds of clothes like saree blouses, pants, shirts, skirts, petticoats which enables them to be independent. 


After the six months course is completed, the women and the young girls are all awarded with certificates. It is encouraging to see that some of these girls have worked in ready-made common factories, making a living out of it

Entrepreneurship Program

When the ladies and the young girls become more confident, they are encouraged to bring the products so that they can market it and sell it to others. This helps them to become the entrepreneurs in the future.

Vocational Training

Apart from sewing and tailoring, the young girls and the women are taught embroidery, crochet, knitting, tatting and macrame work.

Women Empowerment

Rural upliftment

Rural upliftment

The living condition of the village is very pathetic. The huts, thatched houses and the other houses that they live in are not properly ventilated with unhygienic conditions and improper sanitation. Here we equip them to with the know-how to build a low-cost house with a low-cost toilet at a very nominal price. 

Social Work Training​

Couples who are interested in doing social work or even young people are given training as to how to start their own social work organisations. We have been successful in launching out at three different places; Calcutta, Jharkhand and Bhima Varan. The three couples who are interested in doing social work were helped for about three years and then later they have become an independent functioning NGO. The Jharkhand NGO, the Anugraha Kendra, as it is called and the one at Bhima Varan are still underway.